Minecraft Farm Design Tutorial. Crops can be harvested at any time by left-clicking on them with or without a tool, but when immature, they will yield only one of the corresponding seed item. The use of flying machines and hopper minecarts can be combined to create some of the most efficient farms.
This farm is very easy to build and only requires a good amount of opaque blocks and trapdoors.
Take control of the mayhem with a mob farm in Minecraft: the equivalent of a factory for zombies, spiders, creepers, and skeletons.
Game Minecraft Very simplistic Cow/Animal Pen tutorial that fits in with some of my other Medieval Farmland Builds. Plant seeds in. the melon farm appears to just be a row of pistons placed under the dirt blocks. wire the pistons to a button/switch and when it extends it'll break the melons into slices. make sure you only have one row of dirt next to each melon stalk so the melons stay on the blocks wired to the pistons. Someone stole all my credit cards.