Minecraft Afk Fish Farm Design. The Reef is sponsored by Mt Olympus! I introduce to you, the AFK Fish farm.
My new fish farm design is ultra simple and most importantly dependable.
You probably understand how an afk fishing farm works, but there's one that I use on my realms server that is pretty good for sessions.-You set up a hopper going into a chest (or as many hoppers/chests you want).-You put a fence post on the hopper and a wooden pressure plate on the fence post.
Fences are classic, and avoid suffocation, However, you can use honey blocks on carpet with solid blocks around to make a modern pen and stop them from escaping.; Breed them until you have a reasonable number.; Kill most of them, and get resources. Click the link below, and be sure to share, like and subscriber! This fishing hut is the perfect way to complete your Minecraft farm, it's small and compact and doesn't require too much resource to create.