Pretty Minecraft Farm Design. This page covers four separate crops, all of which share essentially the same growth mechanics, though they produce different crops. I have been thinking of remaking my wheat farm.
Garden with Fountain Minecraft Map (With images ... (Laura Rice)
This beautifully designed farmhouse by JUNS MAB Architecture is a cut above most other Minecraft farmhouses, thanks in no small part to the wonderful modular raised design of its little square farms. Iron - <DanielKotes> https I have a chrous fruit farm design that is pretty decent. Current Designs: (A link to a main page about this should be added at some point).
There are hundreds of different ways to design Blaze farms, but it's always best to pick a spawner that has a lot of natural cover, so that building around it isn't a chore and potentially doesn't kill the player.
This is a list of farm designs that are among the most efficient, cheapest, easy to build, reliable or which cause the least amount of lag.
Minecraft farm ideas: layouts for farming in Minecraft ...
simple standardised minecraft house | Minecraft houses ...
Share images of your farms - Survival Mode - Minecraft ...
There is an endless variety of things to do and It's not quite as complicated as real-life farming, but this activity in the virtual Minecraft world is still pretty complex. Understanding all of your plant options is also important when designing a garden! This is a very cool and simple design that would fit perfectly in any minecraft world.